This is for you If 1:1 Sleep Consulting isn’t for you

but you still want to learn HOW TO

Improve your baby or toddler’s sleep

Sleep train without using the “Cry it Out” method

Reduce night wakings and night feeds

Lengthen naps

+ more! 

A Class Catered For Your Child's Age

1.5 - 4 Years Old

October 23rd 10:00 - 12:00pm EST with optional PM Q&A Session

3-18 Months Old

December 4th 10:00 - 12:00pm EST with optional PM Q&A Session

Can’t wait that long? - learn about my All Inclusive Sleep Consulting package - you can start this week! 


Working with Shannon calmed my skepticism and fear of sleep training.


Now my family and I sleep better and are happier overall.


Working with Shannon was a decision I wish we had made a long time ago.

Imagine If...

You approach bedtime with relief and excitement instead of frustration and guilt.

To end your beautiful bedtime routine you give your baby a kiss, a goodnight, and then they lay down awake in their crib.

You listen for cries but soon after you've walked away, your child is dreaming peacefully.

You're settling in to relax for the night and hear your child stirring on the monitor, but no worries! They put themselves back to sleep in minutes.

The next morning you're refreshed and ready to take on the day! And so is your baby or toddler!

hey mama

I'm Shannon Buhera!

Yes - I’m a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant.
Yes - I’m a Mama, too.
Yes - I’m a former Elementary and Special Education teacher. 
And YES - I have been where you are. 
Sleep deprived. Overwhelmed. Unsure what to try next. 
Now my daughter falls asleep easily and wakes up happy!

Now I’ve helped over 100 families reach their sleep goals and I’d love your family to be next! 

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