How do I get my baby to stop crying and fall asleep?
How much should my baby be sleeping?
Where should my baby sleep?
Should I be worried about SIDS or Colic?
Does my baby need to be on a schedule yet?
How often should my baby wake at night and what should I do?
Should my baby be "sleeping through the night"?
Does my baby need a bedtime routine?
Why does my baby sleep all day and is up all night?
Am I doing this right? Is this normal?
Using several books and many articles backed by research and science, I have taken out all the pages and pages of data, studies, statistics, and examples, and simplified it down to what parents really need to know.
Comprehensive, yet an exhausted parent could read this entire Guide in 2 nights!
It includes the most important information and action steps to take to help your family with sleep and begin building healthy sleep habits for the rest of your child's life.
Sleep Safety: What you need to know
Recommended Sleepwear
Sleeping + Feeding Routines
Newborn Sleep Chart
Sleep Schedule Basics
How to put your newborn to sleep
Why and how to use white noise
What’s normal for night wakings?
Day-Night Confusion
What are Sleep Associations?
Sleep Science: active vs quiet sleep
How to do a dream feed
Bedtime Routines
Next steps to improving sleep
Common Newborn Sleep Problems explained
I created this guide as a simple resource for new parents looking to take the first step to improve sleep for their newborn while prioritizing sleep safety and healthy habits!
Yes - I’m a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant.
Yes - I’m a Mama, too.
Yes - I’m a former Elementary and Special Education teacher.
And YES - I have been where you are.
Sleep deprived. Overwhelmed. Unsure what to try next.